性别: 女 出生年月: 1994年10月
专业: 应用数学 研究方向: 密码学
Email: liuzhen@hubu.edu.cn
职称: 讲师 办公地点: 数统院619
博士:2016.9-2021.6 中国科学院大学 应用数学
本科:2012.9-2016.6 永利集团官网首页 信息与计算科学
2021.8 – 至今 永利集团官网首页 数学与统计学学院 讲师
1. Zhen Liu, Yanbin Pan, Tianyuan Xie: Breaking the Hardness Assumption and IND-CPA Security of HQC Submitted to NIST PQC Project, In Proceedings of CANS2018, Springer, LNCS volume 11124, 344-356.
2. Zhen Liu, Yanbin Pan, Zhenfei Zhang: Cryptanalysis of an NTRU-based Proxy Encryption Scheme from ASIACCS’15, In Proceedings of PQCrypto2019, Springer, LNCS volume 11505, 153-166.
3. Zhen Liu, Yanbin Pan, Tianyuan Xie: Breaking the Hardness Assumption and IND- CPA Security of HQC Submitted to NIST PQC Project[J], IET Information Security, 2020,14(3),313-320.
4. Tianyuan Xie, Haoyu Li, Yiming Zhu, Yanbin Pan, Zhen Liu, Zhaomin Yang: FatSeal: An Efficient Lattice-based Signature Algorithm, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2020, Vol. 42 No. 2, pp. 333-340.
5. Haoyu Li, RenZhang Liu, Zhen Liu, Yanbin Pan, Tianyuan Xie: Ciphertext-Only Attacks against Compact-LWE Submitted to NIST PQC Project, accepted by Journal of Systems Science and Complexity(2021).
6. Yiming Zhu, Zhen Liu, Yanbin Pan: When NTT Meets Karatsuba: Preprocess-then-NTT Technique Revisited, accepted by ICICS2021.
1. 潘彦斌, 刘珍, 李昊宇, 谢天元, 朱熠铭, 杨照民, 一种基于格的数字签名方法, 专利申请号:201910716445.2.
2. 潘彦斌, 谢天元, 刘珍, 李昊宇, 朱熠铭, 杨照民, 一种基于格的加密方法, 专利申请号:201910700628.5.
3. 潘彦斌, 李昊宇, 谢天元, 刘珍, 杨照民, 朱熠铭, 一种基于格的密钥封装方法, 专利申请号:201910682004.5.