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Lindsey J. Munro

来源:yl34511线路中心    作者:   编辑:李岚    发布日期:2021-05-28

Who am I?

Name:Lindsey J. Munro

Role:Deputy Head of Department (Natural Sciences)

Fact:My first school was in the USA for 6 months – which started my love of exploring the world, hiking up mountains and spending time outdoors. I have enjoyed visiting Wuhan –it’s a great way to practise my Mandarin!

What do I teach?

Within Chemistry, I teach Atomic and Molecular Structure and Molecular Modelling to first year students, Drug Design to second year and Quantum Chemistry to those who are in their final year of studies.

Research Interests

My main interests lie within Aroma Chemistry and Antioxidant Properties of Flavonoids. I pay attention to Materials Modelling, where I look at the interaction of atoms, molecules and clusters with surfaces and the effect of defects, impurities and functional groups on surface interactions. I also enjoy researching solvent effects, development of accurate intermolecular and atom-bulk potentials, synthesis and electronic properties of nanodevices.

Words of wisdom:

Don’t worry if you find something difficult. Keep trying to learn concepts, practice application and ask questions. Staff are more than happy to help and the reward for mastering something is huge!


Books (authored)

·P. Monk, LJ. Munro (2010).Maths for Chemistry.OUP Oxford.


Journal articles

·TBR. Robertson, LH. Antonides, N. Gilbert, SL. Benjamin,, SK. Langley, SK, LJ. Munro, OB. Sutcliffe, RE. Mewis (2019). Hyperpolarization of Pyridyl Fentalogues by Signal Amplification By Reversible Exchange (SABRE),ChemistryOpen, 8(12), pp. 1375 – 1382.

·CM. Liauw, RL. Taylor, LJ. Munro, AN. Wilkinson, O. Cheerarot (2014).Effect of Triclosan on Self-Assembly of Alkyl Ammonium Surfactants Adsorbed within Montmorillonite Galleries in Silicone Elastomer Composites.Macromolecular Symposia.338(1), pp.45-53.

·GD. Bingley, J. Verran, LJ. Munro, CE. Banks (2012). Identification of microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) emitted from fungal isolates found on cinematographic film.Analytical Methods.4(5), pp.1265-1271.

·DAC. Brownson, LJ. Munro, DK. Kampouris, CE. Banks (2011). Electrochemistry of graphene: Not such a beneficial electrode material?.RSC Advances.1(6), pp.978-988.

·LJ. Munro, A. Curioni, W. Andreoni, C. Yeretzian, H. Watzke (2003). The Elusiveness of Coffee Aroma: New Insights from a Non-empirical Approach.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.51(10), pp.3092-3096.

·LJ. Munro, A. Tharrington, KD. Jordan (2002). Global optimization and finite temperature simulations of atomic clusters: Use of XenArm clusters as test systems.Computer Physics Communications.145(1), pp.1-23.

·Y. Kumeda, DJ. Wales, LJ. Munro (2001). Transition states and rearrangement mechanisms from hybrid eigenvector-following and density functional theory.Chemical Physics Letters.341(1-2), pp.185-194.

·LJ. Munro, JK. Johnson, KD. Jordan (2001). An interatomic potential for mercury dimer.The Journal of Chemical Physics.114(13), pp.5545-5551.

·LJ. Munro, DJ. Wales (1999) Defect migration in crystalline silicon.Physical Review B.59(6), pp.3969-3980.

·LJ. Munro, DJ. Wales (1997). Rearrangements of bulk face-centred-cubic nickel modelled by a Sutton[ndash ]Chen potential.Faraday Discussions.106, pp.409-423.

·DJ. Wales, LJ. Munro (1996). Changes of Morphology and Capping of Model Transition Metal Clusters.The Journal of Physical Chemistry.100(6), pp.2053-2061.

·DJ. Wales, LJ. Munro, JPK. Doye (1996). What can calculations employing empirical potentials teach us about bare transition-metal clusters?.Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions.pp.611-611.

Recent Conferences

·L. Munro, L. Coulthwaite, J. Marshall, F. Saunders (2020).Building Student Confidence & Raising Student Aspirations through 5-Year Plans,OUEmployability Conference: Expanding the narrative for a rapidly changing world, Open University , UK, 11/3/2020.

·L. Munro, L. Coulthwaite, J. Marshall, F. Saunders (2020).Transforming student aspirations: Embedding 5 year plans in the curriculum.The Studio, Manchester, 29/1/2020.

·N. Simbanegavi, P. Birkett, L. Tosheva, C. Banks, LJ. Munro (2014).Designing self-assembling nanomolecules: An integrated computational and experimental approach.In:ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. San Francisco, CA, 10/8/2014.

Manchester Met full-time employee and will support a proportion of teaching at Manchester Metropolitan Joint Institute, Hubei University.