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来源:yl34511线路中心    作者:   编辑:mc    发布日期:2023-04-19


常钢,教授,博士生导师,省级人才项目入选者,2006年博士毕业于日本京都大学,2006年至2010年先后在日本京都大学、大阪工业大学和日本产业技术综合研究所从事博士后研究工作。他主要的研究领域包括高质量新型二维纳米晶体(Graphene、Mxene、MoS2 等)及其复合材料的制备合成、自组装,基于上述材料的柔性可穿戴式电化学传感器、燃料电池、晶体管传感器、气体传感器、表面拉曼增强传感器的研究与应用。发表SCI期刊论文100多篇,论文他引1500余次,申请和授权国家发明专利20余项。先后承担国家自然科学基金、军委科技委、湖北省科技厅重点项目、武汉市晨光计划等二十余项科研项目。

Email: changgang@hubu.du.cn

Prof. Gang Chang received his Ph.D. degree at Kyoto University, Japan in 2006, and then worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Kyoto University, Osaka Institute of Technology and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology from 2006 to 2010. His research focuses on the research and application of high-performance sensors based on novel 2D nanocrystals and their composites (Graphene, Mxene, MoS2, etc.), such as flexible wearable electrochemical sensors, fuel cells, transistor sensors, gas sensors, and surface Raman-enhanced sensors. He has submitted  more than 20 applications for national invention patents, along with more than 100 SCI papers with over 1500 citations. He has also undertaken more than 20 research projects including National Natural Science Foundation of China, Science and Technology Commission of the Military Commission, key projects of Hubei